March 30, 2015

Garden art

Few people in our neighborhood have garden art of any kind. It is not for lack of space.  My next door neighbor has 2/3 of an acre and she has a single birdbath in that Kelly green sea of lawn.

A few other neighbors have a single piece of pottery in their yards.  Some are daring enough to have placed a bench under a tree.

Maybe they think that no object made by a human could compete with the beauty of nature.

While that is true, it is probably not the reason.  Woodcutters and lawn companies stay busy in our neighborhood.

Would you like to see my garden art?

In a quiet space beside the driveway, there is a reading club. 

This weekend, they called a meeting.  Members of the club are not fast readers but they are persistent. 

Let's see what is happening with this quiet group.

Under the dogwood tree, this sweet pair reads the classic book, Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel.

Betty reads a new tale, Flirting with Frogs.  She is such a tease with her cool skin and hot temper.

The Frog that Croaked -- is there really a book by that name?  Yes, there is, a mystery story for middle schoolers.

Jeanne laughs at the Muppet joke book, Frogs are Funny.  Hey, look at her eyes... Is she stoned? 

And the blue copper frog who started the book club 7 years ago.  Still reading Frog Mountain Blues, after all these years.

During the week, part of my professional job is hosting a business book club.  So I do not read much at home.  I much prefer to relax by bathing.

Wouldn't it be great to bathe outdoors?  In the sunshine?  On a lazy weekend afternoon?
