June 27, 2014


I planted morning glories for the first time this year, but they did not attract any hummingbirds.

There have been no bees on the chaste tree, although the blooms are not yet at their peak.

The lantana produced more flowers after our good neighbors to the East removed their oaks.
But I have not seen any butterflies.

I planted a wildlife garden of trees and shrubs, perennials and ferns.  I invited the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds with nectar and pollen.

But the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds did not come.

Instead other creatures are coming our garden home.

I saw this baby possum hiding in the bird house behind the fence.

And on the same day, this turkey vulture walked through our yard, then to the top of our neighbor's house.

And while I have never seen any voles, they have been working the night shift on the roots of my new tree and shrubs in Papa's garden.

Things do not always turn out as planned.  But these too are God's wild creatures, more difficult to appreciate, yet also in need of food, water, shelter and a place to raise young.   

God bless them, every one.