April 1, 2010

Garden pal

After it was all over, I sifted through her belongings. The red brush, rarely used, was discarded, along with various medications, a stoneware bowl and her dirty leash. The blankets were washed and folded, for the animal shelter. Everything left behind fit into a grocery bag.

Paltry few remains from a dozen years as the family dog.

It was the end of an era. She came to us lost and skinny, full of heartworm. The vet cured the heartworm and she grew a healthy brown and black coat. She enjoyed our developing rituals, the morning walks, the sweet nothings in the evenings. She gardened with me every spring, lying in the long green grass, her back to the sun, watching me pull weeds or make compost. If she noticed that the children grew up and left home, she never showed it.

Did she know that bloodroot came up every spring? Did she notice the Virginia bluebells along the path? Did she sense that this year, a lowly patch of violets was the most beautiful of all?

In her last winter, she grew senile, once again lost and skinny, hurting in various places. The vet came to our house to put her out of her pain.

I kept her blue collar. She had a spring in her step and those tags had jingled against each other for a dozen years.

You belonged to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your wonderful companion will always be with you. Please take comfort in your lovely memories.
Nancy from Haughville

April 2, 2010 at 6:03 PM  
Blogger Marilyn said...

I don't have words to express my sorrow for your loss. Please find comfort in your memories and in knowing you gave her the happiest life possible for a little dog.

April 2, 2010 at 6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your lose. She loved you and you her, that's obvious from your beautiful blog entry. Think of her when you see the bluebells each spring.

May 4, 2010 at 4:18 PM  
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December 30, 2014 at 10:49 AM  

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