January 25, 2010


Sunday afternoon in January. The house is quiet and the lights are low. A fire dances in the hearth. The couch is heavy with pillows and the Colts are on TV.

Someone lies on the couch, dozing during the commercials. I walk through the room. "Rainin' out," is the conversation.

Outside, the temperature is in the low 60's, a welcome relief from the long cold period this winter. As the sun sets, the air is thick and moist, as in early spring. The trees are bare and wildflowers sleep below a blanket of brown leaves. There is not much to compete with Peyton Manning on a widescreen TV.

The first blooms of the hellebores opened this week. These are the Brandywine strain and seemed to weather the arctic blasts better than other types.

The white hellebores are two weeks behind the pink and purple, and seem more delicate.

There is still plenty of fruit on the Jackson vine (Smilax smallii). Birds love to roost in this tangled vine and in my garden, chipmunks and squirrels make it their homes as well.

The roots of the ornamental kale had frozen solid in their pots, but they survived to provide a spot of color near the driveway.

In anticipation of spring, we are tempted to wish the winter away. But out of the browns and grays of winter, comes beauty.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How bout them Colts? Peyton Manning is pretty impressive.
Nancy from Haughville.

January 25, 2010 at 7:09 PM  
Blogger Marilyn said...

I am jealous of the blossoms already coming up in your pretty yard. And my ornamental cabbage is kaput!

January 25, 2010 at 7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make winter so poetic, Meg. My yard is one mushy mud pit! How's that for poetry? Jeanne

January 25, 2010 at 7:55 PM  
Blogger kates said...

Taking the dogs for their daily walk through the woods, I marvel at all the colors winter provides. Subdued browns and ochre undulate in the coarse bark of the sugar maples. The gray oaks still have crinkled brown leaves. The smooth-barked beeches' leaves shiver in the cold breeze. White-blue snow coats the ground with the occasional green fern poking through. For me, it's the most beautiful of seasons. Even so, I will welcome spring when it comes.

February 4, 2010 at 9:28 PM  
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December 30, 2014 at 10:48 AM  

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