March 19, 2010

Stone wall

For the past three winters, I have hired a young landscaper for stonework in my garden. Two years ago, he removed a concrete sidewalk and rerouted a path to the front door with Delaware river rock.

Last winter, he lined the bed near the street with large flat stones. I liked the look, so this year, I asked him to replace the mismatched pieces of wood that separate the large planting bed from the grassy path.

He came to the house early one cold morning to discuss the project. He asked how tall I wanted the stone. Then he drove two stakes into the ground and suspended a string between them. He asked me to verify the height. Later he brought two samples of stone to the house. I made my choice and he began.

When I came home from work and saw the wall, I was shocked.



The stones in front of the house were tidy and low. But on the East side of the garden, the soil line dropped and the stones were stacked to compensate, forming a small wall.





Weeks have passed and now my eyes are accustomed to the size and scale of the stone wall. New foliage from the hellebores soften the lines. Squirrels sit on top of the wall, eating acorns and chipmunks scurry in the gaps between stones. The low stone wall is the centerpiece of my winter garden.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice look, Meg. Lovely.
Nancy from Haughville

March 22, 2010 at 5:56 PM  
Blogger Marilyn said...

I like it -- and your pretty flowers. When will spring come to Missouri?

March 25, 2010 at 5:30 AM  
Blogger lizziebrod said...

Love the stones! All they need is a frog...

March 28, 2010 at 5:03 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful! I love the look of stone. So natural, so interesting. I also love the way it looks when it gets wet.

March 30, 2010 at 3:27 AM  
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