January 31, 2010


At the end of January, the nights are long and the days are cold. Gardeners check the weather almanac every day to see when the worst of winter is over. And happily, the coldest days are behind us. In February, the temperature rises about 2 degrees a week. By the March equinox, it will feel like spring.

But first we must to get through today's winter storm.

The wildlife habitat is covered by a soft white blanket.

Sculptures have formed in Papas Garden.

Snow insulates the plants in pots from the cold.

Bird houses wear white stocking caps.

Heavy snow and blowing winds collapsed the Jackson vine, Smilax smallii. But there are few other problems.

Bird prints on the edge of the carport are large and deep. Perhaps a hawk, looking for something tasty hiding among the garden tools.

Snow and sleet are hard on animals in a backyard wildlife habitat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful scenes, Meg. If you didn't get some snow, you can't fully appreciate spring.
Nancy from Haughville

February 1, 2010 at 7:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Not to be a curmudgeon, but maybe the worst of winter is over for those of you in NC, but in IND the long dark winter will be around until into April. At least it is getting dark later into the afternoon.

February 4, 2010 at 12:11 AM  
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December 30, 2014 at 10:48 AM  

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