April 8, 2012

Best surprise ever

A giant brown box was waiting at the door when I got home from work on Friday night.  I waited until Saturday morning to open it, so I could photograph it outdoors.

Inside the brown box was a gift wrapped in thick silver paper and tied with a red ribbon.  The card read:
Happy 60th birthday, Meg!
From ALL your sisters

The gift was tightly wrapped in styrofoam.  Lisa helped me lift it out of the  box.

Wow.  I couldn't believe my good luck -- a reading frog for my garden.  He is a beauty and the perfect scale as a companion to the green copper frog.

The glasses are a nice touch.  I have a pair that is similar.

At first, he sat on an old fence post near the copper frog.

I love the "library" look in this part of the garden.  It brings to mind hot summer days half a century ago, when we would walk back from the Haughville library and laze about lost in the books we were reading.

In the afternoon, reading frog moved about the yard, enjoying the blooms.  He looked especially handsome leaning against a stump near the clematis,

but he missed his friend, copper frog.  So I dragged a hollow stump from the elderberry patch and set it up beside his fence post for him.


While I was watering the hostas, the stump shifted and the frog fell onto his back.  I ran over and quickly realized that the frog was meant to be reading while lying down.  Aha.

He looked so comfortable there.  I can hardly wait to photograph him in the morning light.

This is the best gift ever.  It takes a special love to find a gift that would mean so much.  I have a special blessing in my thoughtful and generous sisters.


Blogger lizziebrod said...

He looks perfect in your garden, Meg! So glad he has found a loving home with you and "Copper." You write the best thank you's!! I feel so good right now. So thank YOU!

April 8, 2012 at 8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your posts as always, Meg. Happy birthday a little early! You crack me up with how much tender care you can give a statue. Can I be your daughter???

April 8, 2012 at 4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought he was perfect in your arms. But, better yet, free to lay (or is it lie - I never get those) in your garden. Whatever the grammar, he is a perfect symbol of sista love. And you found the perfect way to lay or lie him.
Nancy from Haughville

April 9, 2012 at 1:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very lovely. I think he makes a great addition to your beautiful garden.

April 17, 2012 at 3:57 PM  
Anonymous dui lawyer arizona said...

You all had your wishlist. Congrats!

April 27, 2012 at 10:29 AM  
Blogger qingblog said...

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May 9, 2012 at 11:48 AM  
Blogger Kathy's Klothesline said...

I hit the "next blog" and here you are! I love frogs and gardens! He is quite handsome!

May 23, 2012 at 5:00 AM  

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