October 22, 2010


My neighbor poured a snake repellant that smells like sulphur along the property line. Two weeks later, she added mothballs.  It is a sickening combination that can be detected throughout my garden.

She has never seen a snake but someone on another street reported on a black one.  She did not mention the size, but I have never seen a large snake, or even a medium sized one.  Snakes are good at hiding.

I didn't ask my neighbor how she would know if the sulphur and mothballs were blocking the snakes out or trapping them inside her yard.

Not that I mind snakes in my own yard, at least theoretically.  They control pests in the garden.

I didn't tell my neighbor about the baby gray snake hiding under a log near the hellebores.  Or the soft pink baby along the pathway.  The pink was the underside and this snake was already dead, intended as a meal for a predator. 

My neighbor would not understand that life is hard, even for a snake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't try to snitch any mothballs from your neighbor, please.
Nancy from Haughville

October 25, 2010 at 6:10 PM  
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