August 23, 2010

Rose Kennedy Greenway

I have long wanted to see the rooftop gardens in downtown Chicago and visit the garden district in New York City.  Last week, I flew to Boston and the number of green spaces in that city surprised me and made me smile.

Our hotel was downtown on the waterfront, next to Christopher Columbus Park.  From our room, we could hear guitar music from street musicians and see families picnicking on the grass. There were old people sitting on benches and young people bicycling through the park.

Many people rambled through the park throughout the day, but this photo of Columbus Park was taken from our room one rainy morning, when few people were outdoors.

Boston has a number of large parks, dating from the 1800's.  But now city planners are creating new green spaces in a crowded urban setting.

The city recently tore down an elevated highway that cut through the downtown area near the waterfront, dividing the city in two.  The Central Artery was replaced by an underground tunnel, and at street level, with the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway.  This project was called the Big Dig.  As a taxpayer, I was delighted to drive on the new highway, and even more, to experience the new greenway up close. 

By chance, our hotel was located at the Greenway's "Ground Zero," the area with the most pedestrian traffic, linking the shops and restaurants of Quincy Market with Christopher Columbus Park and the aquarium, tour boats and restaurants on the waterfront beyond. 

Some parts of the greenway consisted of trees and shrubs, with benches for resting. 

The old buildings form a beautiful backdrop for the greenway. The tall tower in the photo below is the old Customs House, in 1849.  At the time, the building was on the waterfront, but now the city extends several blocks east. 

On the block nearest our hotel, the greenway is a smooth green square of grass with tall modern sculptures and a fountain.

Some of the paving stones were dedicated.

Some of the stones were dated as far back as 1919.  Others had no date at all.

In one area, there were many paving tones dedicated to the extended Kennedy family.

It is not easy to add green space to a city full of expensive skyscrapers.  But Boston found a way to do it, and residents and tourists love it.  Every evening, there were hundreds of people downtown, a surprise to people who returned to Boston after years away.  The Greenway has made the city beautiful, walkable and alive.

Hats off to you, Boston.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never would have guessed there is so much green in Boston. Sounds like you had a great trip.
Nancy from Haughville

August 24, 2010 at 1:27 PM  
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