July 20, 2010


For 25 years, I worked in the same windowless office at Duke University.  Two years ago, I moved to a new office with a window, but I still have the same job. 

Before I came to Duke, I advanced rapidly in my career.  But after the children came, I lost my motivation to move up.  My life was full of skinned knees and business information.

Over the years, the knees healed and left home, and the information moved to other offices.

Last night I dreamed about a bicycle pump, a sign that it is time for me to power myself into a new role.   What should that be?

Years ago, a friend of a friend offered me a free piano.  Our daughters has started taking lessons with the music director at our church and we needed an instrument for practice.  

I drove to a neighborhood with oak and pine trees that towered over one story houses.  It felt awkward to walk into the living room to judge the merits of a family's piano. The instrument was tall and ornate with dark scrollwork backed by rough red burlap.  This piano had more character than the new uprights I had seen in Pearson Music near the mall.  With difficulty, we moved it to the house.

Now my children are grown and living in their own homes.  We still have the piano, but no one plays it any more.  The instrument has been sitting in the same spot for 15 years, but the piano tuner told us that it is not worth relocating. 

From time to time, I wondered how it would look as a planter.

Then I saw the photo below, taken by Durham gardener, Eleanor Mills, on her recent visit to Daniel Stowe Garden near Charlotte.

I recognized it immediately in its new career as a planter, set outdoors.  Very nice work.  This piano has nicks and scratches from the long pull, yet seems warm and wise, comfortable in its new role.


Blogger Marilyn said...

Perhaps someone is looking at Craig's List or Freecycle right now for a piano for their own little girls.

July 20, 2010 at 6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you considered taking piano lessons again? Perhaps Marilyn can visit and keep time with the triangle.
Nancy from Haughville

July 20, 2010 at 4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you considered taking piano lessons again? Perhaps Marilyn can visit and keep time with the triangle.
Nancy from Haughville

July 20, 2010 at 4:15 PM  
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December 30, 2014 at 10:49 AM  

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